Young Adult Programming
Art Club

3rd Wednesday of every month 4-5 pm for ages 11-18. Each month we will explore a new medium or type of art skill.
Registration required to ensure we will have plenty of supplies for everyone.
Call the library at 606-845-7851 or stop in to see this month's project and sign up for the class.

Teen Game Night
4th Thursday of every month 6-7 pm for ages 13-18. Come on out and enjoy a fun-filled hour!
Teen Writing Club

2nd Tuesday of every month 4-5 pm for ages 11-18. Each month a new writing topic is explored. Learn important writing techniques in a casual setting!
"Chapter Chat" Teen Book Club

1st Monday of every month 4-5 pm for ages 13-18. We will meet to discuss a new book each month! We have several openings for new members! Join in with us to spend an hour or so relaxing and having fun!