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The Fleming County Public Library is FINE FREE as of 07-01-2020


1.       Fleming County Public Library does not charge late fees for overdue items.

2.       Patron must be 18 years of age or older to borrow videos (other than children’s videos) and may check out 5 adult DVDs and 5 children DVDs free for 7 days.

3.       A patron is responsible for all materials borrowed on his or her card. Lost items must be paid for at the cost of items/materials.  Materials are cataloged with a purchase price at time of purchase.  It may be up to the director’s discretion to lower the price due to age and circulation of materials.


The approximate cost for lost materials is as follows:



Audio Books--$20.00-$60.00


Juvenile and Children’s Books--$5.00-$35.00

Mass Market paperbacks--$5.00


Music CDs--$10.00



4.       There will be a processing fee for lost/damaged materials. The cost of the material plus a $5.00 processing fee will be charged.

5.       Patrons shall not be allowed to replace books or materials. (Amazon, used, etc.)

6.       Exceptions may be made for extenuating circumstances. (Fires, car accidents, etc.)